Sale Support
To follow up your orders dial the following (in the Working Hours)
(+98) 25 32120102
(+98) 25 32120162
Support Center
The specialized staff of Noor Center (CRCIS) will accompany you from the phase of setting up to solving all problems, and will answer all your questions online.
We are ready to answer in case you use our products and are in need of any support, or encounter a problem or have any question while using our software programs, or you want to replace the program you have purchased due to its damage
Address: Computer Research Center of Islami Sciences (CRCIS also known as Noor Center), Jomhouri Islami Ave., Amin Blvd., Qum, IRAN.
Phone: (support) (+98)25 32936271
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) (for software activation only): (+98)25 32936270
FAX: (+98) 25 32936294
P. O. Box: 37185-3857