A brief introduction Islamic Theology Tree


Software content

• Full text of 31 theological books in 52 volumes, including:

- Al-Tawhid (by Shaykh Sadouq)
- Kashf al-Murad
- Sharh al-Mawaqif
- Sharh al-Maqasid
- Abkar al-Afkar
- Tas-hih I`tiqadat al-Imamiyyah
- Al-Dhakhirah fi `Ilm al-Kalam
- Talkhis al-Shafi
- Tajrid al-I`tiqad
- Minhaj al-Karamah
- Al-Risalah al-Sa`diyyah
- Asl al-Shi`ah wa Usouluha

• Theological terminology based on 11 reliable references in:

- Arabic
- Farsi
- English
- French

Book list

Number of books
Number of disks 1 DVD
Disk type CD
Date of manufacture
Has a network version @Ph.No
Required storage space
Type of software
UI Language
App version
Software Size 0.20 GB
Version description <p>.</p>

• Representation of theological discussions as tree diagram based on the structure of Islamic Theology Science, including such branches as: Mabadi `Ilm al-Kalam (fundamentals of Theology Science), Umour `Ammah (general principles), Jawahir (essences), A`rad (accidents), Tawhid (Oneness of God), Nubuwwah (prophethood), Imamah (imamate), `Adl (divine justice), Ma`aad (eschatology), Firaq (sects) and Madhahib (denominations), on different subjects.
• Access to the subjects through “Tree” and “Supplementary indexes”
• Searching through the Tree in two types: “Search for keywords” and “Search for words”
• Possibility of combining the keywords or words of the Tree in two methods: “Recommended combination” and “Optional combination” for better and easier access to the required materials
• Different types of searching through the text and contents of the books available in the Program
• Reciprocal linkage between the interrelated branches of the same part or otherwise
• Extracting various lists based on the Tree titles, supplementary titles and proper names
• Limiting the research range through theological range and book range
• Easy access to the Qur’anic verses occurred in the texts along with the related materials

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